熊本大学文凭, くまもとだいがくdegree
How to buy a fake Kumamoto University degree? 订购熊本大学文凭. Where can I Kumamoto University diploma? Buy a fake diploma online. 熊本大学学位成绩单出售。熊本大学(くまもとだいがく、英語: Kumamoto University)は、 熊本県熊本市中央区黒髪二丁目39番1号に本部を置く日本の国立大学。1925年創立、1949年大学設置。略称は熊大(くまだい)。
Kumamoto University was founded in 1756
In 1949, the new system of Kumamoto University was formed by the merger of the old fifth high school (government) and the old Kumamoto Medical University (government). Natsume Soseki, Koizumi Yakumo and others taught here during the fifth high school period.
Famous post-World War II politicians such as Ikeda Hayato and Sato Eisaku (who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1974) all graduated from the old Fifth Higher School, one of the predecessors of the university (the old system is equivalent to a 1-2-year university course, and after Ikeda After graduating, Yongren was admitted to Kyoto Imperial University, and Sato Eisaku was admitted to Tokyo Imperial University and completed a 3-4 year course).
In 1960, the school was approved by the government to recruit foreign students.
The total number of undergraduate students is more than 8,000, and the total number of graduate students (master and doctor) is 2,000.
In 2004, according to the National University Corporation Law, it was restructured into a national university corporation. It is called “Bear Bear” for short.
Kumamoto University is at the vanguard of innovation and discovery. The school is the cradle of outstanding students and academic personnel, and has a complete education system. Since its establishment 260 years ago, it has cultivated countless world-class elites and talents.
Kumamoto University is one of the most beautiful and historic campuses in all of Japan. There are currently about 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students, including about 400 international students from 40 countries, studying at the school. We provide students with a high quality, safe and comfortable life and are committed to providing all the resources and services students need to be successful. In addition to top-notch academic programs, we have also created a colorful campus life for students. In addition, campuses located in major cities allow students to fully enjoy the fun of life while devoting themselves to learning.
The achievements and levels of Japanese institutions of higher learning in many fields are recognized globally. Therefore, Japan is favored by more and more students and researchers from all over the world. In Japan, they can not only receive high-quality education but also experience the unique Japanese culture. At the same time, Japan has always been known for its kindness and hospitality, so the warmth and friendliness of the Japanese people will definitely leave a good and memorable page in your experience in Kumamoto.