Buy a Brevet de Technicien Supérieur releve de notes. Order a realistic BTS transcript. How long to get a fake BTS transcript? Buy a degree certificate. 🇫🇷BTS is short for the French Certificate of Advanced Technologist, a national diploma issued by the French Ministry of Education in 1959.
BTS is a higher diploma, which is only equivalent to a college diploma in China. The BTS diploma can be applied to more advanced institutions, and if the results are very good, in the second year of the university to register early to have a chance of university admission. When you sign up, you have to go through the school’s equivalent certification. In general, French universities do not give BTS graduates the GSC equivalent, allowing them to attend only the second year of university. If they wish to further their education, BTS graduates are best placed to study in vocational education diplomas such as Licence Professionnlle, MST, Miage and IUP, which are started at universities, leading straight to their third year at university.