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The University of Akron is the only public university in Ohio that ranks among the top five public universities in the “U.S. News and World Report” magazine for its science and engineering courses. The University of Akron was originally a small college attached to a universalist. In 1913, the University of Akron was transferred to Akron for financial reasons. The University of Akron became a state university in 1967. The University of Akron is composed of the Butchertel School of Sciences, School of Business and Management, School of Education, School of Engineering, School of Art, School of Law, School of Nursing, School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering, Honors School, University College, Wayne College, and Sa Mitte College is composed.
University of Akron undergraduate fees and living expenses
Study fee: $19040/year
Living expenses: $16800/year
Akron University Scholarship
International Student Scholarship
This page contains information about first-year students and transfer students. At the bottom of the page, you can find all resources for international student scholarships except schools.
1. Types of scholarships for first-year students
We provide two scholarships for international freshman (first year) students in the summer semester and the fall semester.
We provide a global scholarship of US$3,000 to non-resident tuition recipients who prove that they have English proficiency and are paid. We also provide scholarships based on academic performance.
The converted GPA scores and any ACT or SAT test scores will determine the scholarship amount. These scholarships can be applied for for eight consecutive semesters and can be renewed. During this period, they must be full-time students (12 or more credits). Students who receive national scholarships are not eligible for the University of Akron scholarship.